Pithy Phrase

When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a woman, I put away childish things.

Friday, July 1, 2011

A Chiasmus of Blather

I had an epiphany while writing this post.  I realized that the flow of my thoughts often conforms to a chiastic structure.  I start on a topic, get sidetracked several times, and then have to backtrack to finish each tangent.  Since time and a patient audience are usually lacking, the chiasmus is rarely completed. This is precisely why I have a blog now!  Without further ado, a torrent of tangential thoughts that testify of my thought process:

Last Sunday I was asked to speak in sacrament meeting.  I actually enjoy speaking in church, mainly because I get to bloviate for at least ten minutes and everyone has to listen to me.  Well, at least they can't interrupt me.  So I was excited at the prospect of sharing my pearls of wisdom with the members of our little branch here in Germany.  And then I looked at the date of my speaking assignment.  July 24th.  And my heart sank.  Pioneer day.  I always hate the 24th of July sacrament meetings because invariably some old guy gets up and rambles about his pioneer ancestor no one cares about.  This even happened in a singles ward once, complete with old guy.  I was initially dreading this subject, because not only do I have zero pioneer ancestry, but I really don't hold any allegiance to the pioneers.  It's great that they sacrificed so much for their beliefs.  But the pioneers have no saving power.  Pioneers are not a principle of the Gospel.  Also the Church was a bit different back then and it kind of freaks me out sometimes.  For these reasons, I prefer not to worship them.  I fear that sometimes people make pioneers into false gods.  I was hoping to talk about oh, I don't know, maybe Jesus or something.  Instead I have to talk about dead polygamists.

But here's my actual topic: We are all pioneers.  Phew!  Not a single dead polygamist need be mentioned!  Are we not all pioneers on our sojourn through the lone and dreary world?  Do we not all have tests of faith, patience, and sacrifice?  Are we not all working to build up the kingdom of God (especially in a tiny branch in a godless nation like Germany)?  The majority of the members of our branch are converts.  I think I'm going to go along this route.  Husband suggested I just talk about Jesus with a little pioneers thrown in.  I'm not sure how to do this, but I'll think of something.

I also may try to work in this quotation by Brigham Young:

The worst fear that I have about this people [the saints] is that they will get rich in this country, forget God and his people, wax fat, and kick themselves out of the Church and go to hell.  This people will stand mobbing, robbing, poverty and all manner of persecution, and be true. My greater fear for them is that they cannot stand wealth; and yet they have to be tried with riches, for they will become the richest people on this earth.

I may do this because it's a good contrast between the trials faced by pioneers and modern trials.  The difficulties we encounter today are different from, but no less challenging than those endured by the early saints.  Then again, perhaps I won't use this because the Jena saints are significantly more humble than those greedy business majors at BYU.

I attempted to teach the principle behind Brigham Young's quotation in gospel doctrine this last year.  A bunch of guys started going off about how it's okay to seek after wealth if you seek it to do good.  They were bringing up examples of wealthy members of the Church, like the Marriotts, who are really good people and donate money to charity and such.  That scripture in Jacob is true, but I think most people use it as an excuse to feed their greed.  How many of us really only want to gain wealth so we can give it all away?  And finding examples of individuals who did it right is the worst.  Just because another person's heart is in the right place doesn't mean yours is.

This makes me think of the doctrine of Christian liberty.  You may do whatever you want that is not addressed by the scriptures or other valid revelatory sources (prophets etc.).  However, if something you do that is neither good nor bad results in someone else sinning, maybe you shouldn't do it.  This concept is explained in 1 Corinthians 8, where Paul talks about the idolatrous temples built to the Roman gods.  People used to like to go visit these temples because they gave out free meat that had been sacrificed to the patron god or goddess of the temple.  Paul explains that it is not the least bit wrong to go eat meat offered to idols, because we know they're figments of someone's imagination (plus meat is yummy and expensive).  However, these temples also had free prostitutes to go along with the free meat.  This is a potential problem for those who lack willpower.  If you can partake of the meat but not the prostitutes, go for it . . . unless your friend sees you hieing to the pagan temple, follows you up there, and ends up getting a little more flesh than was intended.  In that case, Paul says you stand condemned for causing your friend to sin.

Here's where things get a little murky.  I dislike the thought that I am responsible for the sins of another person.  What about agency?  Did the friend not choose to indulge in the prostitution?  Was that not his choice?  That reminds me of this quotation by Dallin H. Oaks to young women: "Young women, please understand that if you dress immodestly, you are magnifying this problem by becoming pornography to some of the men who see you."  Sometimes I like this statement, and sometimes I dislike it. I dislike it because it seems to place the blame for one person's sins on the head of another.  This way of thinking can lead to a horrible mindset, such as rape myth acceptance ("she's such a skank, she was going to get raped eventually", "that's what you get when you go jogging late at night", etc.).  On the other hand, I sometimes approve of this comment because it subtly calls out the fact that many women want to be objectified.  Looking at it this way illustrates the higher law: that choosing to dress modestly should be because you respect yourself, not be because "those poor boys can't help themselves" (again with the negation of agency).

I suppose that choosing not to go get free meat at the idolatrous temples could be considered the higher law (the lesser law being that if there's no doctrine against it, it's okay).  That's how Paul portrays it.  But I see a different higher law here: charity.  If you choose to abstain from the meat at the temples, it should be because you love your friend and don't want him to be unhappy.  It should not be because you fear being punished for your friend's sin.

That doesn't really relate to the few people out there who manage to be wealthy and righteous.  You can't tell them to stop being wealthy lest they lead people astray.  You also can't tell them to be an example of the pride cycle so people won't try to emulate them.  Let's try to be honest with ourselves about your motives instead.  Do I really want to buy a mansion,  put a bunch of orphans in it and feel warm and fuzzy?  Or do I want to buy a mansion, put a bunch of expensive crap in it and feel superior?  Am I really going to need a seven-figure salary to take care of my family?  Is that underground basketball court absolutely necessary?

To finish off the story of my Sunday school lesson: I responded by saying that Jesus said it's easier to put a camel through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven, so if you want to take on those odds, be my guest.  Needless to say, the rationalization promptly ceased.

As for my Pioneer Day talk: any suggestions?  Has anyone ever heard a Pioneer Day talk that didn't put everyone to sleep?  Or included actual doctrine?  Or mentioned Jesus?  Dankeschön.

And there is a little insight into my brain for you all.  I'll try to be more concise and on-topic in the future.


Lori said...

Very well said darlin'. But remember that the mother church (i.e. Salt Lake, BYU) is a precious thing, especially to those who have never been. The Gospel drew some of the best people out of Europe. We who are the recipients of that faithful blood (those who live in the US) need to remember that. Try to quiet your mind and spirit and feed our Lord's sheep with whatever He dictates, even if it's Pioneer stories.

Rachel said...

I think I just got dizzy reading your post. Good luck, follow the spirit, talk it out....whew I need to go lay down now.

Lyndi said...

Yeah, some of us have pioneer ancestry and some of us don't. So your talk can help teach other people like you what they can get out of all this pioneer stuff.

And PS, I know that lots of business majors do just want money, trust me, I spent lots of time with them. But let's not single out the business majors and overgeneralize, don't forget one of your best friends just graduated from the business school. :) And yes I have a good job that will pay me enough money to get by, but I didn't choose it because of the money, it was because I love accounting/business, I'm going to learn a ton, and the work will present me with amazing opportunities. That's all I'm saying.

And I like your chiastic structure. That's exactly how they teach us greedy business majors to present. :)

Jessica Rose said...

1. Which of your blogs do NOT fall into the category of "overly tangential thoughts"? The fact that they are generally so is one of the reasons I've discovered I love your blog.

2. I'm one of those people who wants to become wealthy to spend it on ME. And by "ME" I mean "shoes."

3. The modest dressing thing--that's something I address on the FIRST day of EFY. I say, "Okay girls, why do we dress modestly?" and invariably the first response is, "Because it helps the boys." MAHHHH (insert alarm sound here!) FALSE! Okay, yes, it probably does help them, but that isn't the central purpose. How does it affect US? What does it say about our SOULS?

4. Skinny jeans at EFY are only a problem if they're skin-tight. And the feather thing is a recent trend...but it's only a problem if it's like, bright pink or something. The general idea:


...but (as I also remind my girls), EFY has different rules. Just because something is immodest at EFY doesn't make it immodest in the real world. So use judgment (since teenagers have so much of that).

Jenna said...

I clicked on the link. It all makes sense now. I applaud the EFY people for banning such hideous things. Ha.

Terry said...

I readily acknowledge that I am just a “tad bit” late with this comment and that you have likely already written your talk. But in case you haven’t, perhaps you can take this advice to heart. And if you have, perhaps you can use these thoughts for future talks. The reason we speak in church is to strengthen and build. The days of fire and brimstone are gone. We edify. In that vein, what is it that the pioneers in Germany need to know that will help them in their journey? Do they need to know that Brigham Young said that money would rip them from the bosom of the Church? Don’t think so . . . they are already sufficiently humbled in that area. It seems to me that these true pioneers (how many are converts? Ah, most of them . . .) need to be praised for becoming a part of a church, actually any church, in a country that no longer worships God. Their hurdle is not riches; it is staying as active members of God’s church in a Godless nation. Support them in this. Help them realize what a wonderful choice they have made and then point out to them why they should remain so . . . but do it in the spirit of love. Love is all that really matters. Love these dear German saints by supporting them in their decision and providing them at least one “aha” moment, something they can hold onto when times get tough (and they eventually will be). You will soon be leaving Germany. When they get down and discouraged, questioning their decision to remain in the Church, into their recollection will come whatever little tidbit of strength you have given them . . . “Ah, I remember that American girl. She told me that I would have rough days ahead. She said when that happened that I should . . . blahde, blahde, blah, blah, blah.” Good luck!

Madame Palmkey said...

I think we should talk about the polygamous women who were truly TRULY suffering for their faith in ways I am not even in my imagination willing to suffer. OF course it makes pioneer men look a little less heroic, but I can live with that.